Masses on Sunday

    Saturday 6 pm (Sunday-Mass)
    Caritas-hospital Maria Heimsuchung
    Breite Straße 46/47, 13187 Berlin

    Sunday 9 am
    Parish Church St. Georg
    Kissingenplatz, 13189 Berlin

    Sonntag 11 am
    Church St. Maria Magdalena,
    Platanenstraße 20, 13156 Berlin

    Current masses and services for holidays and week days can be found here.


    Dem Leben eine Mitte geben… (Giving Life a Core)

    We want to provide Roman Catholic Christians a core for their lives at St. Georg’s Parish in Berlin-Pankow. Our activities are centered around masses and religious services. In addition we have a lively parish life with liturgical music, large and small groups, clubs and societies and two daycare centers. Within our parish in Pankow, we also have a Caritas-clinic Maria Heimsuchung, a Franciscan monestary on Wollankstraße and the “Delphin-Werkstätten” – a workshop for the disabled of the Catholic Women’s Society.

    Even if many of the following webpages are only available in German, we nevertheless want to provide you with some insight into our parish life and want to inform you of events and the current schedule for masses and religious services.  The coming dates are listed.

    So please feel welcome!


    Have you moved to Pankow and with that now belong to our local parish? If so, then this website can provide you with a first impression of our parish life.

    A special information summary for newcomers (in German language) is available for downloading and printing.

    Download info sheet:

    Upcoming Dates

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